(Topic ID: 257626)

Another New Pin Reveal 12/16/19: Punny Factory

By SantaEatsCheese

4 years ago

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Topic index (key posts)

33 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #14 Comment from the designer Posted by EalaDubhSidhe (4 years ago)

Post #979 Don's account of receiving a punny factory game Posted by toddtuckey (8 months ago)

Post #982 Screenshot of Don's facebook post Posted by koji (8 months ago)

Post #989 Andrew's response to Don's post Posted by PinballBuzz (8 months ago)

Post #1048 Original Punny Factory book series Posted by blueberryjohnson (8 months ago)

Post #1087 Phones & gameplay video of the 2nd game: Elements Posted by Knapp_Arcade (7 months ago)

Post #1104 Response to Don's gofundme Posted by CrazyLevi (7 months ago)

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#93 4 years ago
Quoted from jayhawkai:

My internal monologue on this theme: "It's 2019. You can't say the R-word. It's 2019. You can't say the R-word. It's 2019. You can't say the R-word."


Sure. All of those.

#115 4 years ago
Quoted from PinballBuzz:

Our customer service, especially in the after sales phase, guarantees the satisfaction of our clients.

Those who have dealt with you don't seem to share this opinion.

1 month later
#146 4 years ago
Quoted from PismoArcade:

According to K's Facebook

Well, then it must be true.

1 week later
#159 4 years ago
Quoted from wlf_:

I got the Mondays, could sure use a good pun from the Punny Factory to brighten my day!

Why couldn't Led Zeppelin play pinball?
They had No Quarter

(That's probably not really a "pun", but it's what I got. )

2 months later
#170 4 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

Not really, I'd say 67% that complain own a machine with a similarly pathetic theme, they just don't realize it.

You're just anti-Dad-band.

3 months later
#184 3 years ago

Wait. What just happened?
Is there anything going on or not?

#208 3 years ago

Mr. Pinballbuzz, while you're here chatting anyway, how about an update on the games you're developing?
We would be interested to know what's new and when you might have games for us to buy.

5 months later
#241 3 years ago

If you thought sales of Raza were bad, just wait...........

#258 3 years ago
Quoted from PinballBuzz:

The next several videos

One video was more than enough punishment for me.
Who do think is going to watch these?

9 months later
#331 2 years ago

They don't seem to have made much progress on "Sushi Mania".
And it's still a terrible idea.

sushi-mania (resized).jpgsushi-mania (resized).jpg
3 months later
#362 2 years ago
Quoted from dr_nybble:

Why not get to know the whole crew?

It's easy to list lots of people when most of them work for other companies.
It's sad when the list is still unimpressive.

10 months later
#430 1 year ago
Quoted from PinballBuzz:

Hydro dipping is very technical and unique using expensive chemicals and safety equipment not just spray paint!

Are you sure?

#448 1 year ago
Quoted from PismoArcade:

The "ah so" Mickey Rooney Sushi pin was a close second.

On a positive note, the horrendously racist looking stuff has been taken off the page for Sushi-Mania.

#457 1 year ago

The previous artwork speaks for itself.

sushi-mania_backglass_final-f-2048x2048 (resized).jpgsushi-mania_backglass_final-f-2048x2048 (resized).jpg
#490 1 year ago
Quoted from toddtuckey:

"QR Codes are OUTDATED" and that his "staff" of experts "would never use them!"

#494 1 year ago

This is just getting sad now.

2 months later
#548 1 year ago
Quoted from EalaDubhSidhe:

show you can actually do it

That doesn't seem to be going well so far.

1 month later
#615 1 year ago
Quoted from PinballBuzz:

We offer refundable deposits

Sort of. From the website:
"In the event buyer fails to purchase the pinball machine, or requests a refund of the deposit, buyer agrees that the deposit will be refunded when the next machine is sold, transferring their spot to the new buyer and receiving a full refund at the time of this transaction."

So only refundable if someone else buys it.

1 month later
#809 1 year ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

Deeproot was years of lulz topped off by a SEC investigation. Hard to top that shit show...

Yeah, but the comedy value really doesn't outweigh the investors on the Derproot Funds side who found out they were paying for all the pinball buffoonery.

1 month later
#882 11 months ago
Quoted from pookycade:

The playfield looks like someone threw salt on it before they clear coated it.

That playfield looks like it was asSALTed.
Sending that game out was a pretty salty move.
Now we'll see if Pinball Adventures is worth their salt.
Their treatment of d0n has been inSALTing.
D0n may want to conSALT an attorney.

What do you know, it IS a punny factory.

2 months later
#972 9 months ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

“fair use.”

It's fair if he uses it.

#985 8 months ago
Quoted from blueberryjohnson:

I wonder how accurate

I don't wonder. Pretty sure the answer is "not very".

#991 8 months ago
Quoted from PinballBuzz:

Don you were offered a new playfield by us and by three other pinball related business that tried to broker a deal to make you happy. You will never be happy! You have been banned from several threads and blocked from several podcasts and Facebook accounts. This is nothing new and happened before we knew you. You are the only one complaining.

d0n's not here, man.

#1033 8 months ago
Quoted from blueberryjohnson:

In that case, here's but a few of way too many weird-ass pages also in use of attention.
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
Inventory of mostly-stolen content (linking the source at the bottom of a page of someone else's content doesn't absolve you of wrongdoing)
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
Always happy to help.

Having the Stooges as distributors does seem to fit.

1 month later
#1116 7 months ago

Just when you think this thread has given us all the entertainment it can, something like this appears.
Andrew, congratulations! Punny Factory is certainly providing entertainment to all of us, and that's what you set out to do.
Maybe not quite this way, but whatever.

I hope Todd does get to toss that POS off the roof, but really don't think d0n should get any money back from donations.
Maybe d0n should take the game to a show and charge $5 for each whack with a sledge hammer?

#1125 7 months ago
Quoted from altan:

What is the (condensed?) Punny Factory story

Known tool Andrew McBain is producing games.
It took him 4 years to get the first one out the door.
The theme is terrible.
The quality is poor.
Apparently d0n was dumb enough to buy one.
He got what would be expected and (shockingly!) Andrew is not making it right.
(5 day warranty. Ha!)
Andrew is now creating sock puppet accounts to (unsuccessfully) defend himself.

1 month later
#1254 5 months ago
Quoted from BMore-Pinball:

how did I miss this

download (resized).jpgdownload (resized).jpg
1 week later
#1279 5 months ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

If we do not hear from you or our shipper on a designed timeframe plan for shipping the unit back to us
in the next 7 days, we will be forced to contact the RCMP and make a police report and then with your
state police department and move forward with charges and file with in the legal process.

I wanna be there when Andrew makes his police report. I bet they'll be right on the case of the not-stolen Punny Factory pinball machine, since they obviously don't have actual crimes to follow up.

I can just hear the cop: "Sir, this sounds like a civil matter".

#1297 5 months ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

pinside troll lawyers

download (4) (resized).jpegdownload (4) (resized).jpeg
2 weeks later
#1420 4 months ago

I think that the right course of action for d0n is to pack the game up and allow Andrew to have it picked up and shipped back on Andrew's dime.

Having said that:


#1431 4 months ago
Quoted from Beechwood:

I don't think you know the gravity of this situation.

Actually, the gravity of the situation is what keeps pulling me in.

#1437 4 months ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

Why does "spec's" have an apostrophe?
That's the final straw. I'm definitely not buying one now.

That particular game belongs to Spec.
It's Spec's.

2 months later
#1552 58 days ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

More of the complaint[quoted image][quoted image]

You should probably black out d0n's last name and address in there.
He hasn't been protective about that, but still.

#1557 58 days ago
Quoted from Smack:

Speaking of the Statement of Facts, why does it matter, as fact, that Don is "a 57 year old retired Air B&B owner"? How is this relevant?

I'm not a lawyer, but I think that's pretty standard stuff for identification purposes.
You want to be very clear about who you're suing, and that you have the correct Don or d0n.

#1561 58 days ago

Nearly forgot to say that the new development of an actual lawsuit is:
1. Ludicrously stupid.
2. Fitting with prevoius events.
3. Fitting for the parties involved.
4. Sure to benefit no one besides the attorneys. (Unless you count entertainment value.)
5. Sure to bring no satisfaction to either party.
6. Yet more evidence to stay away from Pinball (Mis)Adventures.
7. Hillarious

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