(Topic ID: 355409)

Where to Source Custom Stencil Material?

By Garrett

48 days ago

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#1 48 days ago

I'm in the process of restoring a Rockmakers and have to re-paint the head and cabinet. Have redrawn the missing art and transferred them.

At this point would like to keep the traditional overspay look of a traditional stencil. Would prefer not to use mylar. And trying to make the stencil for each color as a single piece for the lower cabinet.

I've been looking for acetate or backing board but not seeing much for 30" wide x 52" in length.

Anyone have a source or suggestion?

IMG_2726 (resized).jpegIMG_2726 (resized).jpeg
#6 48 days ago

Appreciate your suggestions. I've been searching Google and didn't see a whole lot on this topic or a how to guide with items currently available.

I need a material thin enough to cut with a blade as I don't have another option laser wise. Not much to the artwork so the curves are really going to stand out and want them as smooth as possible. Using thicker material and a power tool won't provide a crisp line result.

Since it's a one time use will test out some of this card stock material I just found that's 0.100 thick.


If stencils were available for this title I would have purchased them.

If all works out I could send the used stencils to Pinall Pimp if he deems them useful. Problem is there are not traces of the factory artwork as someone had painted over the original artwork due to heavy flaking.

#8 48 days ago

I will put it in the Rockmaker's restore thread, maybe it will help someone else in the future.

Appreciate your help.

#10 42 days ago

The card stock already arrived. It’s not long enough to cover the lower can so working on a solution.

#12 42 days ago
Quoted from ManbearpigOG:

Tape 2 together. Also to mask off the rest of the cab for falling over spray and unwanted paint dust I used dollar store plastic table clothes. They are nice and big, and only $1.

Yup, that's what I'm going to experiment with.

The issue is how fragile the overall strength of the full stencil as the some stencil covergae is thin due to the artwork layout. Not much to tape together in some areas. The 0.100" card stock is quit heavy as well.

Got into a stairwell paint job in the house....need about 10 more hours in a day

#14 42 days ago

It arrived just a few days after ordering.

It is thick and now concerned about cutting it cleanly by hand.

Price is right if it works out.

Used them on this restoration;

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