(Topic ID: 354546)

If you had to only have 4, which would you pick?

By GrandmaDoubtfire

54 days ago

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    #51 53 days ago

    1. Met Pro
    2. IMDN (Pro or Premium)
    3. The Big Lebowski
    4. Pulp Fiction (To be fair, I have not even played this one yet, but it is my favorite movie and the gameplay/theme integration looks awesome on the streams)

    First two are primarily gameplay picks and second two are much more theme oriented for me.

    #52 53 days ago
    Quoted from BalkeBoy:

    I'm always a fan of new people asking these types of questions because this (and pin vs pin stuff) is what I looked up for weeks on end when I first found Pinside.
    I rotate stuff endlessly like SantaEatsCheese so actually bolting sounds like hell, but here goes.
    1. Labyrinth. Classic 3 flipper layout. Enough depth and challenge to keep coming back. I know friends and family would get a huge kick out of the topper talking shit and the farts of the Bog of Eternal Stench. My wife actually laughed when playing this game, which hasn't happened since Party Zone, and I just can't put that in this list.
    2. Pulp Fiction. Short ball times and a fake single level game. Throw in that stupid topper.
    3. White Water. Easy to understand and a blast. Keep the toppers coming.
    4. Banzai Run. I got to have a System 11 and this is one I always want to play. Plus half the game is a topper.
    I'm suffering from recency bias but Pulp and Labyrinth are the games I come back to arcades to play more than anything in the last few years. I'm a sucker for great sound packages.
    I hate toppers.

    I appreciate the response Balke. I am really enjoying it. I have been googling and researching the games that people are adding. I have to research the acronyms . But this is the first time that I am seeing some of these games. I'm completely green here. I've never heard of Labyrinth, but holy **** does that look fun. The art is super cool as well. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Why didn't I jump into this sooner!

    #53 53 days ago

    Money no object:
    (All LE’s/Top of Line)

    Realistic Value Approach for under 30k

    AFM-player condition, new or remake, whatever lowest $
    Theatre of Magic-good player

    #54 53 days ago

    Pretty confident both GZ and IMDN will always be in the lineup. Other two spots can be rotational. Currently DP and Bond.

    #55 53 days ago

    GrandmaDoubtfire Better to join now than tomorrow. You'll get worse NIB prices but better used prices by missing the last couple years.

    #56 53 days ago



    #57 53 days ago

    I'm really surprised by how many times PF is getting listed. I've never seen or played it. Loved the movie. Was excited about the license but wish it had video screen/integration instead of the retro score counter (I still understand and respect QT's desire to have it be a retro machine). But if it's this good of a shooter, I might make a long drive somewhere to give it a test drive. Might even use Zed's chopper to get there.
    "Who's Zed" you ask?
    Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.

    #58 53 days ago

    Alice Cooper

    #59 52 days ago

    Met LE/PREM

    #60 52 days ago

    Can you please provide some words explaining why you chose each game in your list? Thanks!

    #61 52 days ago
    Quoted from kevmad:

    Can you please provide some words explaining why you chose each game in your list? Thanks!

    I went back and filled mine in.

    LTG : )

    #62 52 days ago

    WAAAAYYYYYYY TOOOOOOO MANY to choose from...

    I will say out of all the games in our collection, Met Road Case (our first NIB and a Borgie, Lyman, DD masterpiece) TWD LE ( another Borgie Lyman masterpiece), Elvira HOH premium (Great game Lyman's last game and a masterpiece), Bad Cats (Great theme fun and campy Python game), Space Shuttle (our first game and first game I restored), Taxi (classic), Cosmic Gunfight Great solid state 80's game), Star Light (only made 100, great theme and fun to play) will never leave... See I'm already past 4 and I only just got started...

    I like variety in my choices I play at least 1 game a day and generally will turn on a bank or row and play all of them in the bank...


    #63 52 days ago

    4 games is not enough. That said....

    EM ---------- Abra Ca Dabra - (Wedgehead, drops, difficult)
    Early SS ---- Quicksilver ( Artwork, sounds, spinners)
    DMD--------- BSD (Theme, multiballs, callouts, toys)
    LCD---------- Godzilla (Elwin, the complete package)

    #64 52 days ago

    Batman66 (currently own) -- great theme integration, amazing Lyman code.
    Godzilla(Premium) -- Want to own an Elwin someday and this is my favorite theme and the difficulty seem right for someone of my mediocre skills.
    TWD Pro -- A hard game with great code.
    The Hobbit: Great theme integration (honestly seems better than the actual movies), lots of code, and a unique (if polarizing) playfield.

    So many choices though . . .

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