(Topic ID: 251330)

Wade K. Canada dry pf

By boilerman

4 years ago

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There are 203 posts in this topic. You are on page 4 of 5.
#151 3 years ago

Here's a thought: what if all of us that wanted a PF fronted $1k each towards making it happen. Would Wade run it if each of us sent in money for one?

1 month later
#152 3 years ago

Pinball Rescue who makes the reproduction plastics is going out of business soon. So you better buy a set now with a hope that this project gets off the ground.

#153 3 years ago
Quoted from Murphdom:

Pinball Rescue who makes the reproduction plastics is going out of business soon. So you better buy a set now with a hope that this project gets off the ground.

Oh no! Terrible news. Their plastics are pretty good and they have a great selection. Will be placing an order this week with a few other things

Given that an unrestored, as-is, game sold for almost $4,500 not that long ago, I’m tempted to front the money to make the PF and BG happen........ almost...... what's in it for me?

#154 3 years ago
Quoted from radial_head:

Oh no! Terrible news. Their plastics are pretty good and they have a great selection. Will be placing an order this week with a few other things

Given that an unrestored, as-is, game sold for almost $4,500 not that long ago, I’m tempted to front the money to make the PF and BG happen........ almost...... what's in it for me?

Wow, I wonder what a nice conditioned fully working, shopped with new plastics, targets, caps and cards would bring?


#155 3 years ago

There is a playfield on Mr. Pinball. But it is beat for the money...no thanks

#156 3 years ago
Quoted from Murphdom:

There is a playfield on Mr. Pinball. But it is beat for the money...no thanks

From that same dude in France who has a ton of them for some reason. If there wasn't the flipper wear for this one, it would be a good candidate, but restoring worn flipper areas is a pain in the ass/usually looks best if you just airbrush a wood pattern over it which is lame.

3 months later
#157 2 years ago

I've been thinking about this quite a bit today.

4 months later
#158 2 years ago

How many people do you need to sign up? I’m interested.

4 months later
#159 2 years ago

I know it’s an old thread, but put me down for a playfield and backglass.

#160 2 years ago

I’m pretty sure the idea of this project is a bust. I PM’d a bunch of people in this thread a while back and there wasn’t enough people. A bunch of people had backed out unless someone can convince Wade otherwise or wants to back the project upfront. Cough cough Ken

#161 2 years ago
Quoted from Murphdom:

I’m pretty sure the idea of this project is a bust. I PM’d a bunch of people in this thread a while back and there wasn’t enough people. A bunch of people had backed out unless someone can convince Wade otherwise or wants to back the project upfront. Cough cough Ken

Yea, somebody has to step up and buy the 25 pf's up front and take the risk. I am just about to take delivery of 25 pf's from Wade for "Wizard" using this model. I presold 23 (2 hold back) with one on the waiting list. Anybody willing to bet $25K? Of course Wade is probably booked up for 8-12 months anyway.


#162 2 years ago
Quoted from pinhead52:

Yea, somebody has to step up and buy the 25 pf's up front and take the risk. I am just about to take delivery of 25 pf's from Wade for "Wizard" using this model. I presold 23 (2 hold back) with one on the waiting list. Anybody willing to bet $25K? Of course Wade is probably booked up for 8-12 months anyway.

Ken, when you commission Wade to do one of these projects, are you the one that's in charge of all the shipping and distribution?

Good to hear your Wizard project worked out that well sale wise. I absolutely see no reason why 25 Canada Dry resto packages wouldn't' sell out immediately if they were made available.

#163 2 years ago

I think they would sell if Wade sold them direct. Some people just don’t use Pinside to know about this idea.

Ken, I’m glad to see it’s finally moving forward. I’m kind of regretting selling you that game haha. I wish I could build one

#164 2 years ago
Quoted from radial_head:

Ken, when you commission Wade to do one of these projects, are you the one that's in charge of all the shipping and distribution?
Good to hear your Wizard project worked out that well sale wise. I absolutely see no reason why 25 Canada Dry resto packages wouldn't' sell out immediately if they were made available.

All 25 pieces are coming to me and I will distribute/resell. There was licensing i went thru etc

#165 2 years ago
Quoted from pinhead52:

Yea, somebody has to step up and buy the 25 pf's up front and take the risk. I am just about to take delivery of 25 pf's from Wade for "Wizard" using this model. I presold 23 (2 hold back) with one on the waiting list. Anybody willing to bet $25K? Of course Wade is probably booked up for 8-12 months anyway.

What’s in Wade’s queue?

#166 2 years ago
Quoted from Electrocute:

What’s in Wade’s queue?

bicyclenut is usually the keeper of the queue but Sing Along, Surfer/SurfChamp and one more I cant remember

#167 2 years ago
Quoted from pinhead52:

bicyclenut is usually the keeper of the queue but Sing Along, Surfer/SurfChamp and one more I cant remember

Thanks, already have Sing Along. Would definitely be on the look for Surfer if it’s in the queue.

#168 2 years ago

I can't believe no one needs "Free Fall". He already did "Sky Jump".
More worn and planked playfields on those two titles than just about any others.
"Canada Dry" needs to be done just because of it's scarcity on this side of the pond. That, plus the fact that there are so many "Target Alpha" machines; many of which are worn, and would make excellent conversion candidates.
I'd be in for both of those two.

#169 2 years ago
Quoted from pinhead52:

bicyclenut is usually the keeper of the queue but Sing Along, Surfer/SurfChamp and one more I cant remember

Forgot Strange World, thats up next. Wade is accepting deposits for that.

9 months later
#170 1 year ago

Anyone have an up-to-date list of how many people signed-up and how many more are needed? Would like to see this one get added to the queue.

1 week later
#171 1 year ago
Quoted from mas:

Anyone have an up-to-date list of how many people signed-up and how many more are needed? Would like to see this one get added to the queue.

I'm #3 on the list in the first post and still waiting. .

A few have probably dropped out, and I'm sure a few have lost interest, and maybe even a few have died.

But I'm not giving up hope.

#172 1 year ago

If someone will get a good accounting of how many are still committed and how short we are, I am willing to buy multiples to make this happen. Not a ton of multiples, but a few multiples. I’m sure a couple others in the thread are willing to do the same.

Let’s actually make this happen.

#173 1 year ago

I'm still wanting one. I have absolutely everything to convert a "Target Alpha" except a playfield and cabinet repaint.

#174 1 year ago

Call me crazy but I am still considering making this one happen. Seeing how Ken produced and sold out of his Wizard conversion, I'm sure that once this became available, all 25 would sell out immediately. Not much of a doubt in my mind about it.

1 week later
#175 1 year ago

I got a count several months back. I contacted everyone individually in this thread that said they were interested. Several people pulled out. If I remember correctly off the top of my head it was 12? or so short. I can’t remember. I’d have to go through my pinside mail again and do a recount.

radial_head I agree that they would sell but someone ideally just needs to back the entire project.

#176 1 year ago
Quoted from Murphdom:

I got a count several months back. I contacted everyone individually in this thread that said they were interested. Several people pulled out. If I remember correctly off the top of my head it was 12? or so short. I can’t remember. I’d have to go through my pinside mail again and do a recount.
radial_head I agree that they would sell but someone ideally just needs to back the entire project.

I don’t believe I ever received an Email

#177 1 year ago

I still want one.

#178 1 year ago
Quoted from jrpinball:

I still want one.

same same.

#179 1 year ago

I asked on the EM pinball Facebook page and think I have three more people committed. I’m not willing to back the whole project, but let’s get a final count and see how many extras need to be bought to get the run going so we can get it locked in.

#180 1 year ago

Any idea of what the price would be?

Quoted from Mundy53:

I asked on the EM pinball Facebook page and think I have three more people committed. I’m not willing to back the whole project, but let’s get a final count and see how many extras need to be bought to get the run going so we can get it locked in.

It's important to know the actual cost per playfield before expecting any commitment.

#181 1 year ago


Quoted from RTS:

Any idea of what the price would be?

It's important to know the actual cost per playfield before expecting any commitment.

Expect $850 + $70 shipping for a playfield

#182 1 year ago

Are the backglasses available too?

Just wondering if this could be a playfield / backglass combo order or if its already easy to get a backglass someplace. I am definitely interested. Thanks

#183 1 year ago
Quoted from LouMatt:

Are the backglasses available too?
Just wondering if this could be a playfield / backglass combo order or if its already easy to get a backglass someplace. I am definitely interested. Thanks

i don't think anyone has ever reproduced the back glasses as in via the original screen printing process since hardly any of these machines are in north america thus no demand. i just picked up an NOS back glass so there are some floating around. the other option is bgresto. they don't look as good as an original (particularly with the game on) but they're still a great substitute.

#184 1 year ago

Count me in for a BG and PF.

#185 1 year ago
Quoted from beadwindow:

the other option is bgresto.

Having ordered from Bgresto, my understanding is that due to their license then can only sell you a BG if you are replacing one you currently have. I had to send them a pic of my OE to get a replacement and I must destroy mine when the new one arrives.

#186 1 year ago

There were some NOS backglasses floating around.
I believe Mayfair Amusements had some. Maybe he still has a few.

#187 1 year ago

I’m still in, how many more are needed?

#188 1 year ago
Quoted from tomdrum:

Having ordered from Bgresto, my understanding is that due to their license then can only sell you a BG if you are replacing one you currently have. I had to send them a pic of my OE to get a replacement and I must destroy mine when the new one arrives.

I don’t know if that’s still the case. That wasn’t part of the deal for the last few I bought but it’s been awhile.

#189 1 year ago
Quoted from beadwindow:

I don’t know if that’s still the case. That wasn’t part of the deal for the last few I bought but it’s been awhile.

From Steve in December:


A complete restoration for your Gottlieb Lawman original artwork is $310 + $35 Fedex Ground shipping cost to your address in PA.

Each restoration is made to order and usually ships within 6-12 weeks from receipt of order. Payment can be made via paypal to [email protected]. Please note the Game Title and your contact phone in the paypal comments when ordering.

Note: Since I have already restored this title, no need to send me your original glass. I will need a Pic of the front of your existing back glass for my restoration matching records to complete you service order… In addition, You Must Acknowledge and Agree to destroy your original glass once the restored artwork is delivered to protect the active copyrights.

#190 1 year ago
Quoted from jrpinball:

There were some NOS backglasses floating around.

Yes there are.


#191 1 year ago
Quoted from jrpinball:

There were some NOS backglasses floating around.
I believe Mayfair Amusements had some. Maybe he still has a few.

Checked with Mayfair....they don't have any.

#192 1 year ago
Quoted from LouMatt:

Checked with Mayfair....they don't have any.

Oh, well. I know he used to have a few, and I'm glad I grabbed one when I did. I also got an NOS plastics set from him, so I have the real deal plastics.

#193 1 year ago

Canada Dry would look odd with a Target Alpha backglass.
I’ll join when backglass and plastics become available. Stencils are already available.

#194 1 year ago
Quoted from Electrocute:

Canada Dry would look odd with a Target Alpha backglass.
I’ll join when backglass and plastics become available. Stencils are already available.

Plastics are available currently at Marco. I don’t know if it was clear at the beginning of the thread, but backglasses can be run with playfields. You in then?

#195 1 year ago
Quoted from Mundy53:

Plastics are available currently at Marco. I don’t know if it was clear at the beginning of the thread, but backglasses can be run with playfields. You in then?

Yes, if the backglass and plastics are available to. BTW, there is a Target Alpha available at a reasonable price here on Pinside.

#196 1 year ago
Quoted from Mundy53:

Plastics are available currently at Marco. I don’t know if it was clear at the beginning of the thread, but backglasses can be run with playfields. You in then?

I'm in if you can get a backglass and a playfield. Thanks

#197 1 year ago

Wade would be able to produce a backglass.

I've been in touch with him about making this happen.

More soon.

1 month later
#198 1 year ago

I’m in for a bg and pf. Would be an awesome conversion.

And it would annoy my wife when I brought home another project.

9 months later
#199 3 months ago

Anyone have an update committed buyer list for this? It's been a while since any posts. I'd be committed to buying one and possibly a couple extras to make it happen.

#200 3 months ago

It could still happen but it looks like things will be awhile with supply issues and family issues with Wade per the Slick Chick playfield thread.

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