Monster Bash (Limited Edition)

Chicago Gaming Co.

Monster Bash (Limited Edition)

Pinside Rating

This game received 332 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.743 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 1st in the game group "Monster Bash". The group itself ranks #9 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.797

Artwork: 8.856

Sounds/Music: 8.289

Other Aspects: 8.702

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 4 of us have rated this game.


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Found 132 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 132 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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2 years ago
I am a collector that has over 20 machines. I didn’t get the hype about this game. However, After about 10-12 games at an arcade I wanted an LE of my own to complete my Chicago Gaming collection. I now own the Midlevel LE, Attack Le, and the Monster Bash LE. I believe this this the most beautiful of all 3 game. In fact it is one of the prettiest games in my collection. The more I play it the more o love this game. I look forward to seeing more from Chicago Gaming!
Can’t wait to see the cactus canyon:)
Thank you CHC
2 years ago
Remake , toujours au top !
Néanmoins, aujourd’hui et après avoir eu 9 Dot , je suis passé aux Sterns bien plus complets, fluide et innovants ..
2 years ago
Quite simply an amazing causal pin. Beautiful, comical, and straight forward. This is a top machine at my home with anyone that walks in the door. The game has a lot of energy and with the Dracula and Frankenstein bash toys its challenging but simple. Sure it takes hitting shots multiple times, but what game doesn't? Offers great animations for all modes and characters. Easily an all time top 5 IMHO.
2 years ago
Great game with a lot of great energy. I’ve only played it probably 20 times and it seems conceptually very simple in terms of hitting each shot multiple times. If I had this in the home I could see this being a mega hit among casual players. I could also see myself getting really good at and seeing all it has to offer on a frequent basis. Which isn’t a bad thing cause it’s a great experience.
2 years ago
It does t get any better than this perfect game on every level
2 years ago
This game is amazing- it is beautiful, it has several moving parts, it’s easy to understand the gameplay - a friend of mine owns it, I have played well over 100 games on it and I still always look forward to playing it.
2 years ago
Second Pin in my collection. It really is a great game overall and the theme is really fun.
2 years ago
wont play it without Pinstadiums, if wife didnt play it , it would be gone
2 years ago
Super fun game. Easy to understand rules. Favorite of friends and family. My 77 year old aunt even loves to play this one. Is a keeper in our house.
2 years ago
i really don’t understand why its so high in ranking yes its beautiful with topper but only fun 5min
2 years ago
I absolutely love everything about this remake table! I thought the theme would be lame, but the campy horror style works well. The game is mostly forgiving, flows, has fun toys, and just never gets old! Hall of fame worthy game in my opinion.

The Frankenstein toy is one of the best bash toys in pinball. The rules in the game are straightforward and keep me coming back for more.
2 years ago
Amazing game that is challenging, but easy to play and collect creatures and instruments. Easy game to play for hours at a time.
2 years ago
It is criminally over rated. I bought a remake and was bored with it in 2 days. Game is a top 50- to 40 title at best. It is also kind of juvenile. Great game if you are teaching your 7 year old how to play pinball. I dunno, confused as to why it is rated over a bunch of the top 50.
2 years ago
A gorgeous pin that was a great intro to home ownership. Fun shots, rewarding, straightforward rules. Sound package is excellent and the original tunes are catchy af. But once we added MM this one had to go - just too similar imo to justify both, but will always drop coins on location. It's a classic for a reason.
2 years ago
This is a fun game for sure but I have no clue why it's rated so high. For me attack from Mars is 5x the game, and I'd easily take 10+ games in the top 50 if not more over Monster bash.

Admittedly I've never owned it but my pinball bff has it, and even for him it's meh and one of his least played games.

If the choice is Monster bash or nothing, well of course take it but I'd easily take Deadpool, lots, Metallica, Guardians, Batman, walking dead, etc etc etc over MB. It shouldn't be rated as high as it is at all
2 years ago
Monster Bash is basically a perfect game. I own one, and it's one of the few tables that both an expert player and novice can have a great time on. Similarly, it's a table that works equally well for casual and tournament play. I also love how it's depth is in strategy more than code, and you can't rely on one or two shots over and over. You go from celebrating getting Frank on early plays to cursing getting Frank without stacking at least 2 other monsters on subsequent plays.

Pros: The independent progression of 6 different monsters is done perfectly. The shots are all different, the monster modes and call outs are funny and the goals are clear. Getting a Monster Bash isn't the hardest wizard mode to achieve, but it's always satisfying. Monsters of Rock (or the secret 6/6/6 Frankenstein multiball) are much harder to get, so it's a game you can grow with, so to speak.

Cons: The side draining on this game is brutal, especially if you have open outlanes. That said, the fact that it is easy to drain makes it a better game for tournaments, and while it's not always fair- as the right orbit and scoop can become sdtm drains if the table isn't maintained well, it's still one of the best pins ever.
2 years ago
Great fun game, with plenty of toys and family friendly.
2 years ago
one of my favorite themes , very fun game for all.
2 years ago
My whole family loves this game. Beautiful playfield and lighting. Only complaint i have is the knocker award is not loud as it should be, even after the code update yo correct it.
2 years ago
This is a hard one because MB is one of my favorite games that I would never own! There's is so much charm in this game its unbelievable. I love this game, but everytime I play it, I finished the whole game at least once. The game sounds are so cool and the call outs are so great it kind of hurts to take any credit away from this game, it's just that the code is not there. I wish they could improve the code and add something new to it. Having said that, it's still a great shooter with excellent flow. If you haven't play MB before, do yourself a favor and go play it and if you are decent at pinball, you will finished and see what I mean.
3 years ago
Besides Medieval Madness, Monster Bash is second only to MM in games played. CG LE is the creme de la creme of all machines released to date. Deserves no less than the second spot to MM on this ranking site. The machine speaks for itself, nothing to change or improve upon. Nuff Said.
3 years ago
The remake takes the best pinball ever and makes it even better with the LE. The topper is super cool, the blue rails and legs are gorgeous, and the huge screen makes all the animations pop (the swimming creature is stunning). The game has something for everyone - fairly easy to collect the monsters, but very tough to get every instrument. Stacking monsters in the right order can lead to huge scores, and a lot of good humor. Compared to other LEs (MM and JJP POTC) it is a relative bargain since so many (1500) were built.
3 years ago
I am going to be hated for this review, but I don't see why the massive WANT for this pin. It just isn't for me. When I play it I can't wait for the game to be over so I can go play my other pins. I think there are better pins CG should remake.

There is a lot to do in this pin, but for some reason I just can't get into it. It will go up for sale soon to make room for hopefully a more exciting pin.
3 years ago
I always wanted a beautiful fully restored original but never the cash. Bought the LE remake and wow they did such a great job on this game. It’s gorgeous! Did everything I had hoped for..... it didn’t keep me coming back for more. Too easy ruleset, not sure but didn’t keep it long even though I loved looking at it.
3 years ago
Classic and fun game, though is easy and I imagine would get boring quickly if owned.
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