Tales from the Crypt

Data East

Tales from the Crypt

Pinside Rating

This game received 375 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.987 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #87 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.042

Artwork: 8.04

Sounds/Music: 7.32

Other Aspects: 8.227

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 7 of us have rated this game.


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Found 218 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 218 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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3 years ago
nice game to play with loads of features which does not bore too soon.
The calls are a pain and the main reason why i sold mine
3 years ago
This game could be fun, but wholly cow, the sounds are just so annoying. I couldn't play this much because of the sound along. I really like the playfield art.
3 years ago
My buddy had one of these and I almost bought it off of him but just couldn't pull the trigger. Worthwhile game but not sure it's worth taking up the space.
3 years ago
This was the first pin I owned. Was a great pin and kept well with the theme. Unfortunately tho I Found it quite repetitive so I sold it after 12 months. Great pin for its price for anyone adding to their collection.
3 years ago
TFTC is a great overall game with lots going for it. My only issue with it is that's it's just too easy. It didn't stay with me long because I really prefer harder games. Whenever I see it at a show or on location, however, I will play it everytime.
3 years ago
I grew up with the HBO series being a huge part of my childhood, that said this is a holy grail for me. I think they did an excellent job of including various aspects of the show in the artwork and the callouts. The gameplay is fast and keeps me coming back for more. I don't think it will ever leave my collection
4 years ago
Such a fun game. Mode based but a good variety. I did install the unofficial Rom and it does make the game more enjoyable and balanced. It's usually the first game I play. Good challenge and tight ramp shots. Can't go wrong here. Great fun animations and if you are a horror fan or just like fun themes This is for you. Play it or buy it whenever you can!
4 years ago
Real fun machine, received it today, music and lightning are awesome on this one, when crypt open, the strob and accelerated music is very stressing, i really enjoy that machine!!! Maybe the funniest of all data east! Cryptkeeper theme can't be bad anyway! Yeah i changed my note, but man! Everything is so clear on this playfield, bitch left ramp (which is the challenge of the pinball) except that every move can be easily made and long lasting for sure, i did not even put my name yet in the best scores and im doing really good, miss the crypt jam by twice, missing two challenge to get and missing two letter on the crypt to get the mega jackpot, the multiball cloning everytime you hit the crypt when double jackpot is done is awesome and give adrenaline!
4 years ago
One of my personal favorites. I grew up on the HBO show and read a lot of the old comic reprints when I was younger. I think it is the best Data East game ever made! Yes, even better than Guns n Roses. There are a lot of great satisfying shots and is pretty challenging. I personally love the theme it's nostalgic to me, but I can understand why it isn't for everybody. Crypt keeper's laugh can get pretty annoying, but that's my only flaw with the game.
4 years ago
when I first played this game I didn't get it but now a few years later I do & I like it a lot , its similar IMO with all the modes & such to Metallica but with a different layout , love the loop ramp & all the multi ball possibilities , the gory theme & the sounds may be a bit too much to have in a collection if you have young children around though
4 years ago
"Holy deadlock!" - this game is a hidden gem and Data East's crown jewel! It's easy enough for a novice to jump on and play, but deep enough for an expert to attempt mastering. If you love horror and pinball, you could not ask for a better combination. Most table artwork from Data East is mediocre (but still charming), but the art style for this machine is perfect - an accurate representation of 1950's E.C. Comics. Haters complain about the Crypt Keeper's cackling, but again, if you love the show, you'll appreciate the charm, along with his wit and morbidly humorous call-outs. Danny Elman's theme plays throughout, along with other ghoulish sounds and tunes. The animation is some of the best in pinball - an absolute gore-fest! The ramp shots feel great! This game is everything a pinball game should be: FUN! It's campy, spooky, and witty... and if you hit the 6-ball multiball, you're in for one hell of a ride!
4 years ago
I love the theme and this pin delivers all the campiness and gore of the the TV series. Artwork is a nice cross between the show and the original EC comics, ala artist Graham Ingels. Shots are fun and challenging with the shaker adding a lot to the creepy atmosphere. Cool wire ramps, A color DMD LED is almost a must (it is done so well!). Hope to keep this in my collection for a long time.
4 years ago
Played two examples of this game in the last few years. One in the wild and one I helped a friend pick up. Both played great and has some campy horror humor that sits well with me. It's no Bruce Campbell vs the army of darkness but I'll make do playing this title until then. Drop some quarters and shoot for the guillotine.
4 years ago
All shots you'd want in a game not to mention crazy 6ball multiball.
4 years ago
Really enjoyed this one. Played it for about half an hour. Launch gimmick is a bit awkward to use but it looks super cool. For an older machine it's flashy and fast like newer machines and completes well against them. Perhaps a tad on the easy side. 3 balls lasted me over half an hour and this is with me not being a professional pinball player or having learned the machine. But I promise you it didn't get dull for a moment. Machine is engaging and entertaining, with all the wit and humor you'd expect from the Cryptkeeper.
4 years ago
Super fun! Feels like a big tattoo or a amusement park !
4 years ago
An underrated by Data East. Tales From The Crypt was a favorite show to catch when at Grandma's when I was a kid (my fmaily didn't have cable) The table it's self is a pretty great layout with fair number of good but very satisfying shots. The art work is a bit wonky as would happen with this era's DE machines, perhaps driven by a desire to animate in greater detail than was easily reproducible. The table rules are great for someone looking to move slightly beyond the basics of Taxi or Bride of Pinbot. Lots of great modes. Excellent upon repeat plays.
4 years ago
So much fun! This is a fun, but challenging pin. Scoop, crypt, and ramps are all tough shots. I love the artwork. The wife and I actually bought the whole Tales From The Crypt series and are watching it...follows the series closely. DE really did a good job with this.
4 years ago
The game that keeps on giving. Love the playfield, the callouts, the ruleset and can even get beyond the backglass. I’ve had it for almost a month and am still finding little added features. Do yourself a favour and enter the crypt.
4 years ago
Just got TFTC and already had the 4.0 update on it. When i grew up i knew of the crypt keeper but never watched the show. So im not attached to the theme in anyway. This machine is so much fun to play and has a decent difficulty level that makes it hard to master but its fun to play so it keeps you coming back for more. The shaker kicks on enough to make things exciting but not so much its annoying. I love trying to get all the creature features. Rules are on the deeper side.
4 years ago
I love tales from the crypt tv show, one of my all time favorite horror shows ever. I also really like the old EC comics that it was based off of. I think the artwork for cab, translite, and playfield to be good. I understand some people might not like it, but I think it not only fits the theme of both the show and comics, but also pinball. There are lots of little gags to discover and I personally like the color scheme choices, I think it sets it apart and more closely resembles the old school comics. I also like the fact that they still put some babes into it, albeit more ghoulish babes than traditional babes, and I think that is funny.
I really like this layout and I love both ramps. They're both fun to shoot. I love the cork-screw left ramp, and I really think the whole upside down right ramp is really cool... I wonder what machine was the first to include a ramp like this one... This could be the first, but if it wasn't the first its certainly has to be one of the first. I also like the trick shot that you can pull off when your ball hops between the right to the left. Just fun that they coded a callout to it.
I like skill shots, and this game has a decent.. .If easy skill shot to achieve, but the animation is delightfully macabre... In fact I love all the animations for this game, I think this game has some of the best dots from 90s. Certainly some of my favorites. The callouts are hammy and cheesy and just terrific... The only downside is they do get repetitive... Still great unique callouts. The animations, callouts, and playfield art really set the mode and just truly immerse you into the theme. And I love the theme.
Game isn't the most deep, and you can exploit the mode time out feature to move on to the lucrative modes if you are so inclined. Still, I like the game and all the modes, and the MBs... I'm not an expert at the game, and I really don't have any strategies for playing it yet, but I love to shoot it. I do think both the spinners and the pops are utilized nicely in the code, and that is always nice.
In fact the one thing I like about all the modes is the fact that it does reward/force you to hit all the available shots on the playfield. And the game has a decent amount of shots. I count 11 main shots... Not counting a shot that is available into the pops. I also only count the targets and drops as one shot and not 3. That's just sub shots within the shot itself.
It has 3 flippers and the upper flipper is important to hit all the shots like the crypt shot and even the mode start shot... But, its not necessary. If the upper flipper breaks or just too weak, you can still hit all the shots in the game... But, to truly appreciate the game the upper flipper working makes it so much better.
There really aren't any toys on this game. Two things that I think are cool is the doorhandle/ball plunge button and the crypt lock/bash target. Those are the only toys and they do fit the theme and add to the immersion. I do think the crypt lock is a good lock, not the coolest in pinball ,but it fits the playfield and game and its still pretty cool. The doorhandle takes a bit to get use to, but it really looks quite nifty.
This game isn't for everyone. I love the sense of humor and all gore and macabre elements. Can it get old playing over and over sure... But, I think if you like the theme and like the animations this could be in a nice 3-5 pin collection without getting tired of it.
5 years ago
A really fun game. Way better than scared stiff in my opinion. The music and lights are great. A few redundant callouts but not bad. Playfield art is a bit weak.
5 years ago
Really enjoyed this game, much better than I thought it would be. A bit clunky, lots of air balls. Good build quality, a bit repetetive with the callouts. Like the ramps, a far more enjoyable game than the Deadpool game that was beside it when I played it. Deadpool might have the fancier LED lighting, but I would rather play Tales all day. I don't like the launch trigger, otherwise I like most of the other things, better than DE's Star Wars.
5 years ago
I played TFTC at a friends a few years ago and have been wanting one since. The ramp shots are great, and targets are challenging but attainable with none of the get lucky to hit targets that most DE games have. This game with a color DMD and Pinsound board is an absolute show stopper. Thank you Mr Borg.
5 years ago
Have spent quite a lot of time on this pin, reasonably fun game with some good shots. Art however is a deal breaker for me. Just not something I'd consider owning.
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